South KoreaU.S. prosecutor-general promises “thorough review” of crypto sector amid growing “public skepticism” about Politicians and their Crypto Holdings,
Per yonhapProsecutor-General Lee Won-seok said his agency would “thoroughly investigate” the area.
And he promised to “resolve public skepticism about cryptocurrencies.”
Lawmakers and prosecutors are trying to fight a wave of outrage sparked by coin gate scandal,
Earlier this month, a prominent lawmaker was found to have allegedly traded coins with “insider knowledge” of upcoming crypto regulations.
Several other allegations have also been made about MP Kim Nam-kook.
But some believe Kim may not be the only lawmaker with alleged crypto-related secrets.
Lee distanced himself from the cryptocurrency, saying:
“I have never owned stocks or crypto assets. This will not change in the future.”
Speaking to media representatives outside the Suwon District Prosecutor’s Office, Lee said prosecutors would deal with issues such as “token listings on exchanges.”
Several prominent crypto exchange executives have been accused of price manipulation this year.
It has emerged that he allegedly received kickbacks in return for listing the coin on his platform.
In South Korea, altcoin prices tend to spike when news of a listing on a major domestic platform is announced.
It is believed that some people have artificially engineered these spikes by paying off authorities to fast-track their coin listing processes.

South Korean Prosecution Responding to Crypto Scandal?
Lee pledged to investigate crypto-related “investment problems”.
And he said he would solve a range of crypto-related “speculation problems”.
Seoul has also been rocked by allegations that senior lawmakers oversaw crypto-driven “remittances” to parties linked to North Korea.
Lee claimed that he would be guided by “available evidence” and “deal” with potential legal violations “in accordance with the law”.
The Prosecutor-General further claimed that prosecutors would continue to deal with the “drug problem”.
President Yoon Seok-yeol last month declared an “all-out war” on crypto-powered drug trafficking Growing number of drug-trafficking teenagers are jailed,
Public figures have called on all lawmakers and regulators to declare their crypto holdings.